Thursday, August 6, 2009

Office Bathroom Etiquette

Ok, ladies! I feel I need to go over some rules of public office bathrooms. I’ve been fuming over this stuff for a while and it has hit a peak this past couple of weeks.

1. I know we still have some germophobes out there. I even subscribe to this theory at several places that I have had to stop. However, just because you are afraid to sit on the toilet at work doesn’t mean the rest of us are. If you insist on hovering over the toilet, WIPE YOUR PEE OFF THE SEAT BEFORE LEAVING THE STALL. There is nothing more disgusting than for those of us that aren’t afraid of the office bathroom to sit in your urine!

2. Do not talk on your cell phone in a public/office bathroom! Nobody is that important that they need to hear you or I going to the bathroom. It just so happens to be an invasion of MY little bit of privacy at the office. If you really need to go to the restroom you can ask the person if you can call them right back or wait till the conversation is finished.

3. WASH YOUR HANDS! I seriously cannot believe that this still needs a reminder, but apparently it does. This is especially crucial at an office or public place where you will inevitably infect everyone with your germs when you open doors, shake hands, type or talk on the phone. It is good hygiene and always has been.
And Finally

4. I know this must be a lost art that parents don’t teach their children anymore. I do know that most people at my office are older than I am though and were probably raised the same way I was. I also understand that this is a natural process of the body. However, can you please refrain from blowing out your butt when there is a bathroom full of people. It makes everyone uncomfortable. At our office I even know there is a private/handicap bathroom that can be used for just these emergencies!

Hope everyone has learned something today!


Kate Hollis said...

Feel better? That stuff bugs me too! One office building I worked in, there was a lady who would sit in there and say "yucky yucky yucky" to herself over and over. So weird!

Anonymous said...

Thank you! I feel that people have no respect for themselves or others!!! WASH YOUR HANDS!!!! Why do you have to remind a 30+ year old to wash there hands..... seriously!