Friday, October 17, 2008

I finally got my shower fixed!

It’s only been a problem since I bought my house 5.5 years ago. I’m slowly getting all my issues taken care of. I’ve actually only been looking for a plumber since December. Yes, I know that it is now October, but I was patiently trying to find an individual to do the work. I hate dealing with companies and they are always trying to rip off the poor single “woman”. With individuals, you get better after hour support, they get all the money for the work they do and I don’t feel I get ripped off in the process. As much as I would like to say that I can handle all my issues myself, it just isn’t possible.

So, I had tried getting a hold of two other recommended plumbers and that was like an act of congress. I don’t know how people expect to get business if they only have a home phone, with no answering machine, and then are never there. I tried calling this guy for 5 months with not one success. J The 2nd man I got a hold of kept telling me he would swing by on Saturday. Five weeks later and 2 more phone calls, he had still failed to ever show up. So, I sent out another all points bulletin to my friends to find a plumber. As it turns out a past co-worker and also the neighbor of a good friend is married to an excellent plumber!

Mark Fant (number will be provided to anyone who needs help) came over to do a consultation on my day off a few weeks ago. He was a very pleasant and helpful man. I first had him crawl up under my house. You see, last December I was told I had a leak under my laundry room and I was already at about 40% rot on my foundation and I had a fungus growing under there. Keep in mind that I will not be crawling under my house ever! I seem to be growing opossums under there and who knows what else and I can’t physically bring myself to do it. Well, I told the Orkin guy that I wasn’t interested in paying $600 to have the fungus sprayed since I wasn’t allergic to mold and it wasn’t it my budget, but I would have the leak looked into. Now, I never had any symptoms (water bill stayed the same) of said leak, but I continued to worry that I had one. Fascinatingly, Mark couldn’t find any sign of a leak or that I ever had one! So needless to say, I’m looking very forward to my upcoming termite inspection. I would love nothing more for the inspector to try and sell me the same lie again. Could be a great blog post when that occurs.

Anyway, Mark did a fabulous job on changing out all of my shower hardware! I would highly recommend him to anyone that needs some assistance. Especially, if you live on the airport side of Nashville.