Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bailey Update

I finally got a call from Jim the trainer. I was so relieved to hear how well Bailey is doing at training. Jim said he was catching on very well and that he was actually enjoying having Bailey around. I got real tickled because his exact words were "He is actually a lot of fun!" I knew this about my baby, but it was great to hear Jim say it.

Being without Bailey for the past 2 weeks has been so hard. I never understood my friends that were nervous being home alone because I never have been. I got Bailey about 3 weeks after I moved into my house. During those first few weeks I was too busy to notice I was alone and then Bailey was there. It is amazing how much company a dog is. I never felt alone at my house until recently. It has been the little things like not seeing him on the couch, hearing his collar jingle or waking up in the night to the sounds of him scratching at his dry skin. I definitely look forward to getting him back. I even keep more doors locked these days. Bailey has often been referred to as my "alarm system" Part of him being so jumpy has actually been a safety feature at my home. I have always known that nobody would ever get into my house before I knew they were trying. Bailey barks at any strange sound to alert me. I can even discern from another room whether or not someone is walking by the house, up the sidewalk, or is standing at the front door based on his bark and pitch. Anyways, I'm getting accustomed to my new routines, but look very much forward to getting back to my old ones.

I hope to have more news soon and will post again as soon as I have some.